Tuesday, October 20, 2020

Authentic Faith: Feeding the Soul in Politically Divided Times

After seven years in a developing country, Mike Rumley-Wells returned to the U.S. – only to encounter not only culture shock, but an administration and faith-groups that did not prioritize care for the poor or the immigrant. This book is his response, as he explores practical aspects of following Jesus in a divisive political milieu – with the hope of encouraging others who may also feel alienated from their community. As the subtitle explains, it's intended as "Encouragement for Jesus followers, justice seekers, resisters, immigrant supporters and peacemakers." Each of the 37 reflections explores ways to persevere in grace and love, potentially in the face of misunderstanding and even hostility. Rumley-Wells shares ways he is learning to think, communicate and set boundaries, so as to walk in peace with all. 

Now, my personal take-away, as a reader: I have felt angry for the past four years, so this book is giving me some helpful reminders. Specifically, bitterness will be self-destructive, if I choose to judge and hate others – even though my frustrations may stem from important social issues. My rancor isn’t aiding anyone. Jesus-followers are called to love enemies, whoever they may be. I am also finding validation in the meditations on grief, loss, lament, malaise and hope, and comfort from the prayers at the end of each reflection. If you have been struggling through this season, I recommend this book as a source of inspiration.

Monday, September 21, 2020

Computers in Libraries Conference From the Comfort of Home

 I've loved the Computers in Libraries conference since our library director first sent me in 2007. Today I'm attending virtually, and the first lingo I learned was "location agnostic." I also heard about someGoogle search tips, and I need to go back and gather those.

Sunday, September 20, 2020

Daisy Jones and the Six by Taylor Jenkins Reid

 I'm grateful for my discussion group, which pushes me to read well-written books that I would never pick up otherwise. For years, I've listened to old mysteries that no patrons would be requesting or waiting for. Daisy Jones and the Six is a spectacular audiobook. The story and characters are unforgettable. I hope to write more about it -- and to reread a print copy some day.

Monday, March 11, 2019

Books that Help Me Grieve, Part 2

H. Norman Wright is a Licensed Social Worker who lost a son. My first grief group read this book together, and I found it very helpful.
Pictured is Recovering from Losses in Life

Other books that help me cry:
Little Women by Louisa May Alcott

The book and film of The Joy Luck Club by Amy Tan

A Severe Mercy by Sheldon Vanauken

The Last Thing We Talk About: Help and Hope for Those Who Grieve
This last was one of the earlier non-fiction accounts of grief that I read, as it was assigned in college (I think.) I have vague memories of hearing the author Joseph Bayly speak at Trinity (then College. Now University.) The very articulate father lost 3 sons, and eloquently shared his experience.

Friday, March 8, 2019

Books that Helped Me Grieve -- Part 1

"I lost my brother two months ago . . . Do you have any go-to books for grief?" This was a post in one of my book-lovers' FB groups. These are the books that I shared:

"The Year of Magical Thinking" and "Blue Nights" by Joan Didion
She expresses the realities that many of us experience in such an eloquent, even lyrical, style. Highly recommend.

"Holding on to Hope" by Nancy Guthrie
Nancy and her husband lost two babies to a rare syndrome. Again, articulate expressions of her feelings and experiences with the book and character of Job. I bought this book in several formats. She also has written other helpful self-help books for those who grieve . . . and for those who want to relate well to those who grieve.

So this is part one, and I hope to post covers and more titles for part two. Right now I must clean my house! I'd love to hear your grief-processing books, as well.

Monday, March 4, 2019

Best Friends, Occasional Enemies

Lisa Scottoline and her daughter have published several funny books about their relationship and lives. Enjoying listening to it through my library’s Overdrive service  (via the Libby app).

Friday, March 1, 2019

Anne George’s Southern Sisters Series

These cozy mysteries are some of my favorite books to listen to when I’m going to sleep. Hilarious adventures of two siblings in their 60’s in Birmingham, AL.